How to Find an Invisible User on Yahoo! Messenger
Visit type in a Yahoo! ID and their status will be revealed. Even if the user has chosen to be invisible. Read my other post Detect invisible users in yahoo messenger - 10 different ways - all working
Share Videos in IM Window
Zync plug-in allows you and a friend to watch the same video in sync in the IM window. To play a video from YouTube, Yahoo! Video or Google Video, grab the URL (http://�) from the website and type �watch [video URL]� into your IM text box and send it (ex: watch The best part about Zync is that when the video is playing, you and your friend see the exact same thing at the same time. This makes it much easier to talk about the video.
Share Desktop with your friends.
Unyte Lyte provides 1:1 desktop sharing to Yahoo users. With one click invite contacts from your Yahoo! Messenger list to "see" your desktop.
Run Multiple Instances of Yahoo Messenger on same system
If you are using Yahoo! Messenger v8.0 or above, YahooMulti.reg will let you run multiple copies of Yahoo Messenger at the same time which will allow you to login multiple ID’s at the same time. When you click on the reg file above, just click "run" from current location. Or do it manual,
Click start button,then run and then type regedit and then look for
HKEY_CURRENT_ USER\Software\yahoo\ pager\Test. Then change this value of plural to like this "Plural"=dword: 00000001
Controlling Your Name on Yahoo Messenger
You can configure the first name, the last name and the nickname by clicking on the Messenger menu � My Contact Details.
Please keep in mind that entering a nickname in its special box, no matter if you also write a first or a last name, will display only this field in your contacts’ lists. Also, remember that you cannot change the way you appear in other lists because your contacts are able to modify your name as they want.
Note that if you IM with someone not on your friends list, that person will only see your Yahoo! ID
Track online/offline status of your yahoo buddies.
Yahoo Tracker is a web based free to use service that lets you track the online offline activity of any yahoo id anonymously. Registration is free and takes just a few seconds. You can track on up to 12 yahoo ids with one account.
Speed up Yahoo messenger.
Uninstall Plugins and choose to use Classic skin would speed up.
Tabs in Yahoo Messenger
Yahoo messenger for windows vista has some cool new features, tabbed IMing being the prominent among those. You can download this Tabbed Im hack for your version 8.1 from here
Access Yahoo Messenger Chat archives while offline
Archiving with Yahoo! Messenger is a very useful and helpful method of going through older chat logs.
Use this nice little indexing plugin called YIM Archive Plug-in for Google Desktop Search, using which i could access all my Yahoo archived logs even when I am not online using the Desktop search.
There is another way with which you can definitely access the logs which will include you downloading a software called Yahoo Messenger Archive Decoder.
Remove my ID from others Yahoo messenger
In the good old days Yahoo! themselves use to provide it’s users with a Deny a Buddy web page. Currently these third party applications do the same: No Buddy Utility from ; Deny A Buddy Program ; NooberRemover 2.0 ; Dermots Denial 2.0
Custom Profiles for Chat.
You can create custom profiles with different name, sex and other details from Yahoo Create/Edit Profiles. These only work for Yahoo Chat services.
Online Status Changer and Manager.
HyperIM is simply the only status changer & manager you’ll ever use from now on. It has all functions rss automatic pm script plugins. Media player ‘now playing’ support for Winamp 2.x and 5.x, iTunes, Windows Media Player 9 and newer, BSplayer, 1by1 player, jetAudio, Yahoo! Music Jukebox , XMPlay, Musicmatch Jukebox, Media Player Classic, RealPlayer, UltraPlayer and ZoomPlayer.
Retrieve Yahoo! Messenger Display pictures.
It lets you retrieve Yahoo! Messenger Display pictures. You don’t need Y! Messenger to use it. Lets you save the pictures to JPEG format. Works if the user is online or offline. Download from here.
Invisible Nickname In chat rooms
Just go to edit profile and in the nick name type a (space character) on it just press Alt 0160 ( or ALT+255 ) and save it, now go to yahoo chat room and see your nick name empty.. Alt+0160 is a keyboard shortcut for space..
Change Yahoo Messenger Title Bar
You can change the text that appears at the very top of the yahoo messenger window by editing the ymsgr.ini file. Find the ymsgr.ini file in Program Files\Yahoo\ and open it. Then at the end, type this:
caption=YOUR TEXT
change YOUR TEXT to whatever you want it to say. Then save the file and close messenger. When you restart messenger you will see your new message.
Remove the Ads from Yahoo Messenger
Close the messenger, download the Self Extracting file noadsse.exe - 64KB and run noads.exe. from it. and Restart Messenger…simple !! Alternatively
Nice info also found here. If you install new versions of Yahoo Messenger, you’ll have to repeat the steps above, as Yahoo setup rewrites the registry entries. New versions will most likely make removing the ads more difficult or even impossible.
Updated : Read Simple and Best Yahoo Messenger Ad Remover all versions
Better Yahoo Messenger Installation.
- Choose ‘Custom Install’ while installation and Uncheck all options such as changing default homepage etc.
- After Installation, From the Preferences disable the Live words which isn’t worth.
Disable the Security Update Nag.
It can be disabled by renaming the "yupdate.exe" in program files to "yupdate.exe.bak"
Disabling the typing notification.
I find this feature annoying sometimes, I haven’t seen any option to disable this. But one way to go around is to Start the im windows minimized so you can still stay invisible without your control in the new window.
Yahoo! Smiley Codes!
You can find all the hidden smileys on yahoo site or use this YEmotePLUS plugin.
Web-Based Official Yahoo Messenger
The official web-based version of Yahoo Messenger is now available and is often described as the best alternative to the downloadable instant messaging client. The service works pretty fine and you might be amazed when you first try it because it includes powerful features starting with emoticon support and ending with chat history. The webcam support for Yahoo Messenger for the Web would soon be added.
Tracing Yahoo ID to get user Ip address.
It was initially possible to gain the IP of the person you are chatting with in Yahoo Chat using the netstat command or a simple GUI tool like Process Explorer. for Windows. However, Yahoo fixed that. Still, if you try to use a ‘packet sniffer’ program you should be able to do that. You can try ethereal or winpcap [ (for ethereal) ; (for winpcap)]. However, network sniffing may be illegal in your area and you should check beforehand. Then you need to get a whois program. You can get one here:
Viewing Yahoo webcam without permission?
Yahoo removed anonymous webcam viewing in the recent builds so stop thinking about viewing webcam anonymously.
Yahoo Booters, Bots, ID Maker , Fake Webcams, Webcam Recorders ??
A booter is basically a small program that sends "bad packets’ and is used to knock someone out of chat and possibly disconnect a messenger client, like Yahoo! Instant Messenger.
A bot is a Yahoo! ID that you would use to log your Booters and other programs in. These bots are very smart compared to Eliza and can trick you.
Everything you see is not true too. Yahoo fake webcam software’s create a virtual fake webcam which can broadcast any video file to show as webcam to others.
Beware before you invite somebody to your webcam. These webcam recorders capture the entire video and create a video file which can be viewed later or uploaded online.Want to find out someone who’s hiding from you? You can easily do so by going to vngrabber. All you need to do is type in the Yahoo! ID and the particular users status will be revealed.
Some of you might be having more than one yahoo ID would like to log in simultaneously. Here is an easy way to do it without installing any sort of software. You just have to edit the registry and voila there you go. Follow the instructions from here.
Just go to edit profile and in the nick name type a (space character) on it just press Alt 0160 ( or ALT+255 ) and save it.
Now go to any yahoo chat room and you’ll notice that your nick name is empty. [Alt+0160 is a keyboard shortcut for space]
If you are using Yahoo Messenger 8.0, then you can disable ads by following the below steps:
1. First close the Yahoo Messenger.
2. Save this .bat file and execute it.
NOTE: You won’t be able to enter the chat rooms if you use this patch.
This above fix doesn’t work for Yahoo Messenger 9 Beta. Here’s a way to disable the ads in Yahoo Messenger 9:
1. Make sure the Yahoo Messenger isn’t running, if it is then just close it.
2. Now backup the following file C:\Program Files\Yahoo!\Messenger\YahooMessenger.exe (create a new copy)
3. Download HxD hex editor.
4. Open C:\Program Files\Yahoo!\Messenger\YahooMessenger.exe in the hex editor
5. Now go to the offset 295928 (in HxD: Search/GoTo)
6. Look at the right column and replace y from “y.m.s.g.r.a.d.s” with p
7. Save the file and close HxD.
NOTE: This approach breaks Yahoo Messenger’s terms of service.
>> If nothing works try launching this file.
You can make use of all smileys including hidden ones in your messenger by using YEmotePLUS plugin.
You can change the text that appears at the very top of the yahoo messenger window by editing the ymsgr.ini file.
1. Go to Program Files\Yahoo\ and open ymsgr.ini.
2. Then at the end, type this:
caption=YOUR TEXT
3. Change YOUR TEXT to whatever you want it to say. Then save the file and close messenger. When you restart messenger you will see your new message.
You can create custom profiles with different name, sex and other details from Yahoo Create/Edit Profiles. You can use these for chat services only.
HyperIM is currently the best status changer & manager for Yahoo messenger available at present. You can download it from here.
Y! Display Pic will retrieve yahoo users even if they are offline or invisible. You can download it from here.
You can access your Yahoo chat logs using Yahoo Message Archive Decoder. It reads Yahoo! Messenger archive files (.dat files) and presents them in a format that you can read. It decodes the message archive without logging in (offline mode and no passwords required). You can download it from here.
Maximum Login of 500 Bots
Recommened Approx 200 Bots Logged In!
Adjustable Packet Charge Delay or Room Boot Packet delay. Dont go below 0.01,
IF your net laggs to much charging, an Voice on ur Client DC's etc then slow down the packet delay to resolve this!
Customizable Auto Release Charge Delay!
Customizable Charge an Release Packet Sizing!
Custom Login Delay, If Freezes During Login, Close Program, reopen, an login at a slower delay!
I have now Coded in the Password Encyrpt for Logging In, So it No Longer requires the Voodo15Encrypt.dll to Login the Bots!
I Have Remodelled The Enter Login System. And Login Bots is now on its own Window you show to Login an Hide when done!
Room Bot now has Server selection for Logging In!
-Single Victim R4 DC Charge an Release!
-Customizable Boot List for Charging and Releasing on Multiple Victims DC'g Multiple Users at the same time, with the Same effort as a Single Victim!
NOTE: Must First Show Room Bot from Top Menu, Then Login a ID (Not oen the Bots already logged in) And Joint he Room you wish to Attack!
-If Room Bot in Room you are able to Tick the option to Charge an Release Multi Victim Boot the whole Room List the Room Bot has!!
-Y Crash Quick Boot, One Logged in bot per Victim Sends Y! open pm crash exploit, to crash a open pms yahoo user! For Each user on the Room Bot Room List!
-Kill Room Users! <<> Booter_v17.html
S-E By Satma
- Multi login booter up to 30 bots " More than enough " , Make sure all your bots are valid ! .
- login & logout & packets delay features .
- Advanced double status .
= Props to amd for his ssl .
- for each login session boot for three times , then refresh your bots etc .
- Scroll Exploit -
- Boots all Y!Messenger builds 0 to old school way successfully ! , Not only by lagging their messy it will also fry up their pcs .
- Might dc chat clients " Let me know " .
Have fun ! , Satma .
À€5À€-By Clinton!
this boots messy 8
not sure about 9 because im running version 8
but this disconnects quick
Evil DC v.1
Single 1 bot Dc with 1 hard hitting option. Boots Yahoo Messenger, 8.0 & 9
YMSG Server Connect Forcer is an utility based on the famous Yahoo! Instant Messenger.
It gives you the ability to force Yahoo! Messenger to connect to a specific YMSG Server you choose/ input.
Instead of you connecting to the default Server already set by Yahoo! Messenger, you can choose from a list of Servers, which are less-used by Yahoo Users and also, faster!
Yah-Zone Terror v.1
3 bot booter with 3 hard hitting option. Boots Yahoo Messenger Only,
Trick mengganti server yahoo messenger pd saat login:
1. masuk ke start ~> run ~> regedit ato regedt32 buat ngbuka registry editor
2. di bawah my computer klik tanda (+) HKEY_CURRENT_USER -> (+) Software ~> (+) yahoo ~> pager
3. double clik pager
4. Cari Value "REG_SZ" yg bernama "ConnServer" ganti server dengan nama ""
terserah kamu ganti dengan server apa... mau pake server alpha atau server yazak selagi server sudah di patched ma om yahoo kamu bakal bisa login koq
kamu bisa login dan kamu menggunakan server chat yazak atau alpa server
5. Restart komputer kamu dan Tutup Registry Editor... itu aja koq
Note: Tutorial ini ga berlaku buat messenger versi 9.0 build 922 broo. Cuma jalan ma yahoo versi 8.1 atau dibawahnya.
link :
Ada beberapa id atau peluru yang di gunakan dalam dunia booter.
jenis id boot yg paling sering di gunakan adalah
- id boot (ilegal id)
ada 2 type jenis format yg di gunakan sesuai dengan kebutuhan software boot yg digunakan .
contoh :
notepad dgo format id: pass
peluru yg paling lazim di gunakan dalam sw booter
kecuali pada raw boot ataus beberapa booter khusus yg memakai format lain
format id pass
khusus beberapa format booter yg berbeda seperti rawboot dll
- id legal (id ym biasa yg resmi )
id@yahoo.comThis e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
id@bt.internet.comThis e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
id@y7mail.comThis e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
formatnya sama , biasanya dalam bentuk notepad id: pass
dapat login di beberapa booter
contoh : RD59, gmc booter dll
Ini cara Jika kamu ingin Ym kamu OL trs seolah2 kamu online di HP seperti status " i'm mobile" padahal kamu lg offline.
caranya :
1. Browsing Pake Mozilla Firefox dengan tambahan add ons browser
wmlbrowser (wireless markup language browser). Bisa install disini :
2. Setelah Install add ons browser wmlbrowser, Klik OPTION dan centangin tulisan : " Tell Website....dan load,wml file....."
Liat gambar:
3. Setelah itu Login ke : ( aktifkan email kamu agar login otomatis ). Lalu klik tulisan Messanger.
Lihat Gambar :
4. Ini hasil setelah Klik Messanger tadi :
Nah di gambar keliatan kali ID loe udah Online tuh..tinggal ganti aja
status apa yang loe suka dgn cara klik Preferences < style="width: 480px; height: 561px;" src="" border="0">
NB: Walaupun Kompi kamu dimatikan...ID kamu akan selalu keliatan Online
1.Pilih booter yang kira kira cocok buat koneksi kamu
2.lakukan disaat koneksi anda lagi stabil.
3.spesifikasi harddisc yg besar membatu kerja sw booter yg baik (booter2 yg strong)
4.specifikasi memori membantu sistem error akibat crash pada saat login dan booting di lakukan.
2.cari sparing patner di room room yg sedikit angker.
3.kenali spesifikasi target victem
4.Cari lawan yang menggunakan client yahoo atau yang tangguh
5.pasang target yang sesuai kapasitas , dengan ini kamu bisa analisa
kelebihan atau kekurangan suatu tool,koneksi dan trik yg kamu pakai.
6.inprovisasi dengan cara km sendiri...
hehehe ......semoga jadi booter yg enggak doyan rusuh
Diskripsi Virus :
Virus ini sangat kuat, bila komputer anda terinveksi oleh vrus ini maka
virus ini akan secara otomatis mengirimkan PM berupa URL
ke seluruh ID di add list anda. sehingga dengan sangat cepat virus ini
akan menyebar kepada orang orang yang mengklik url yang anda kirimkan.
Apa yang terjadi di komputer anda bila terinveksi :
1. virus ini akan mengubah defoult Internet Explorer homepage ke, dan anda tidak bisa mengubah defoult homepage ke semula
atau sesuai keinginan anda. dan bila anda membuka internet explorer
maka secara otomatis virus ini akan terexsekusi dan menginveksi
komputer anda.
2. Virus ini akan mendiasble task Manager dan registry editor anda
sehingga anda tidak bisa menghentikan aksi virus di komputer anda.
3. Files utama yang terinveksi adalah svhots.exe, svhost32.exe dan internat.exe
4. dan juga virus ini akan mengirimkan informasi tertentu ke penyerang, sehingga virus ini juga berjalan sebagai keylogger.
Cara mencegah :
Jangan pernah membuka atau mengklik URL yang dikirmkan secara otomatis oleh virus tersebut ke PM anda
Bagaimana menghilangkannnya :
1. Matikan internet explorer anda
2. Sign out yahoo messenger
3. enable kan registry editor ( regedit ) dengan cara klik start>>> run>> dan ketik
Click Start, Run dan masukkan kode dibawah ini lalu tekan enter
REG add HKCU\Software\Mic*ft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Polici es\System /v DisableRegistryTools /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f
4. untuk meng-enable task manager
Click Start, Run an masukkan kode dibawah ini lalu tekan enter
REG add HKCU\Software\Mic*ft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Polici es\System /v DisableTaskMgr /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f
5: Untuk mengubah homepage internet explorer
Start>Run>ketik Regedit lalu enter
cari direktory dibawah ini dan ubah homepage yang diberikan oleh virus
dengan homepage yang anda inginkan misalnya atau
HKEY_USERS\Default\Software\Mic*ft\Internet Explorer\Main
7: Mematikan aksi virus. Press Ctrl + Alt + Del
dari task manager matikan proses svhost32.exe
8: Delete svhost32.exe , svhost.exe files dari Windows/ & temp/
directories. atau lewat search dan hapus files tersebut yang anda
9: Restart the computer. InsyaAllah komputer anda terbebas dari virus tersebut
Cara ini sangat rumit bagi pemula, lebih baik serahkan kepada yang
berpengalaman masalah komputer untuk mengatasinya, virus ini juga
hilang dengan cara menginstal dan memformat ulang hard disk anda.
Can u explain how to block user from yahoo messenger?
Pertanyaan di atas masuk dari salah satu ID di friendlist Y!M saya pagi ini. Ada beberapa cara yang bisa diterapkan untuk hal ini.
Pertama, ketika Anda menerima IM alias instant message dari seseorang yang tidak Anda kenal, atau belum ada di dalam daftar teman Y!M Anda, atau Anda tidak ingin berbicara dengan orang tersebut, Anda bisa mengabaikan (ignore) pesan-pesan yang dikirim orang tersebut.
Caranya, ketika muncul jendela IM dari orang yang belum tercantum dalam Messenger List, maka di atas kanan jendela IM (bawah tombol menu Plug-ins, Webcam, Games, dst..) akan muncul pilihan Add dan Ignore. Klik tombol Ignore.
Namun untuk memblokir ID user yang telah ada di dalam Messenger List, Anda harus menghapus ID tersebut terlebih dahulu dari daftar teman Anda. Kemudian klik tombol Ignore ketika mereka mengirim pesan.
Lalu bagaimana bila orang tersebut belum mengirimkan pesan dan Anda ingin segera meng-ignore mereka?
Ada 2 cara:
- Masuk ke menu Messenger » Preferences » Ignore List » klik tombol Add dan masukkan ID user yang Anda maksud
- Masuk ke menu Actions » Send an Instant Message… » tab Other Contact » masukkan ID user yang Anda maksud dan kemudian akan muncul jendela IM-nya untuk bisa Anda klik kembali tombol Ignore tersebut
Anda pernah merasa bingung ketika teman anda
datang ketempat anda dan "numpang" Online
YM dari komp anda sedangkan anda sendiri sedang
Kemudian anda menyarankan dia untuk mengguna-
kan Meebo atau alternatif lain, atau malah anda
dengan terpaksa mematikan YM anda sendiri?
Well, anda tidak perlu begitu lagi, karena dengan
sedikit trik anda dapat menyalakan dan login
di beberapa account sekaligus. Caranya :
1. Buka registry editor, klik Start-->Run, ketik "regedit"
(tanpa tanda petik ")
2. Kemudian cari fungsi HKEY_CURRENT_ USER --> Software
-->yahoo -->pager-->Test
3. Di bagian kanan halaman klik di bagian yg kosong dan pilih
New--> Dword Value
4. Rename value tersebut menjadi "Plural"
5. Double klik dan beri value data "1" sedangkan untuk
Base, pilih Decimal , kalau semua sudah benar maka
akan terlihat seperti Screenshot INI
Dan anda sudah selesai
Sekarang anda dapat menyalakan messenger, login account
anda, setelah anda login.... klik yahoo messenger lagi, dan
lihat apa yg terjadi
Kesempatan login lagi, dan dengan account yg berbeda
tentunya ^^
Sebagai seorang netter sejati, tentu kita sering menggunakan Yahoo! Messenger untuk ber-chatting ria. Beberapa hal yang membuat kita kesal pasti adalah ketika banyak friends kita yang chatting lewat Privat Message dengan kita. Pastilah toolbar windows kita akan penuh dengan jendela windows yahoo messenger. Untuk itu, ada cara untuk membuat Yahoo messenger kita mempunyai Tabbed kayak di FireFox, Opera ataupun IE7.
Berikut ScreenShootnya:
Nah, gimana? Kepengen?
gampang saja…Silakan download file dibawah ini:
Setelah di-download, klik file tersebut dan lihatkah perubahan di YM Anda !